Sunday, January 24, 2010

24. January 24, 2010

Number the Stars was one of my all time favorite books growing up.
It seems like I read it at least twice a year, every year, until 7th grade.
Then I just stopped, but I have a chance to reread it today.
I am still amazed by the courage Danish people had, and how loyal they were to their friends and country.
I know this book is fictional, but there were stories very similar to this...
They may not have been written down and those who fought so bravely may have never been recognized...
So I would like to tell all those unknown heroes how amazed I am by them, and how I will look up to them forever.

"It was only in the fairy tales that people were called upon to be so brave, to die for one another.
Not in real-life Denmark." ~Annemarie, Number the Stars (Who I think is the hero of the book)

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