Monday, June 28, 2010

153. June 2, 2010

Yesterday this house in my ward caught on fire.
The MTC presdents live here, it was the most scary and extremely sad thing I have ever seen
Sorry this is going to be a long entry

This house is just down the street from my home and today, while my friends and I were watching a movie, it caught on fire. This is one of my worst fears; honestly I would be completely devastated.
I sat there, watching the fire trucks pull up and the firemen attached the hose to the fire hydrant, thinking about how lucky I was, how lucky my family was, that it was our home. I realized in those few seconds I stood there watching how so much can change in so little time and this made me think that I should share how thankful I am for everything I have. I am so blessed, more bless than I will ever know and definitely more blessed than I will ever be able to write down. I know my life is easy, and I have had no major trials in my life to complain about and I am thankful for this. I am so thankful for my family and the support, comfort and love they give me. Family, I know I don’t always treat you right and I am far from a perfect daughter/sister but I hope you know that I am trying and that I am so thankful for each of you and all that you do, and I love you. I am thankful for my religion and the guiding power it gives me. I am thankful for the prophet Joseph Smith who had the courage, strength and faith to go into those woods and humble himself before God. I am immensely thankful for his family and wife, they had faith in him and because of their strength I believe that he was able to finish God’s plan for him. I am thankful for the Book of Mormon and the comfort and strength I personally have found in it, and continue to find in it. If you haven’t yet I would challenge you to read it, cover to cover, but not only read it, pray about it, think about it and I promise it will change your life. I am so grateful for my patriarchal blessing, it has only been months since I got it and yet it has already helped me so much. I am thankful for my friends, they let me rant and rave, they keep me entertained and help me get out of the house when I’m about to explode, they let me get frustration out of my system, they let me tell them about all my problems, the boys I like, the girls I hate and they give me support at all times in my life. They help me stand when I feel like giving in. I am thankful for books, and the chance they give me to escape into a word full of unknown adventures. I am so grateful for music; it gives me an outlet and helps me cope. I am thankful that my mom made me take piano lessons and would not let me quit even when I was horrible, because that has blessed me in so many ways and kept me sane so many times. I am thankful for my extended family, they give me a lot of crap but I know it’s good for me. I love that if I ever need a laugh or to stop thinking about something how I can join the conversation with my aunts and cousins and all my worries will be taken away. I wish I lived by them and could run to any of their houses when I needed a break and I wish I had the relationship with them that my other cousins have. I love the relationship they have with each other and hope me and my siblings can have that one day. I am especially thankful for my grandparents, there example to me is one that no one on Earth could match, well no one related to me. I hope that someday I can be like them. I hope someday I can have a relationship like theirs. I couldn’t even tell you what it is I admire about them, it isn’t something I can point to and say that’s it, it is everything about them, it’s the little gestures of support they give their family and the small tokens of love they leave in each word they speak. I love how they call me things like honey and babe. I love their hugs. I love my papa’s rough hands and my granny’s gentle touch. I love how they work together to make everyone else’s day brighter. I love granny’s treats and dinners and I love papa’s bowl of ice cream and Pepsi while he watches them news. I love them and everything about them. I wish I spent more time with them and I wish I had heard more of their stories, I could listen to them talk for hours. I think next summer; I may spend it with them, maybe... if they’ll take me.

I know it isn’t much, but right now that is what I am thankful for.

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