"How different is a forest of trees, when compaired to a high school of teens? Each has two groups: boys and girls, pines and aspens. Let's say for a moment that pines are boys and aspens are girls. They are not unlike one an other. Boys stand sturdy, wide and tall. They contest for the biggest bases (or muscles). Aspens and girls, stand huddled in a group, a few stand alone but not for long.
Each girl tries to stand tall and straight (or skinny), and their leaves are never unneat, unlike the pines. Once and awhile a pine stands with the aspens, or the other way, but they aren't quiet tall enough to hear nor do they understand the whispers carried by the wind (gossip) that flow through the branches. Very few pines have names etched in their bark, yet every aspen does, like every girls heart. Some names are cut deeper in the bark (and for now we'll say this is a girls heart) and never fully heal, while after time others look like scratches that always seem to appear. Some trees (and teens), boys and girls alike, know how to bend with the wind and stand strong when needs be. They know just how much they can take before they break, yet others bend at every demand and lay broken in piles, forgotten by man. "